One Day We Will Dance with You
One Day We Will Dance with You tells the story of two women creating a dance to celebrate water. They imagine dance moves, and argue about science and whether a celebration can still be sad. As the community around them comes together to dance, they begin to imagine a future where the Water Molecule Dance and the celebration of water becomes a part of all our lives.
Inspired by the Water Molecule Dance from Water is Attracted to Water, the film is about human bonds and molecular bonds, at a time when floods and droughts have become part of everyday life. It imagines what it means to create a celebration with a community of people we love, of everything watery, from molecule vibrations to the way water flows through the stem of a plant. At a time when we can no longer avoid facing the climate crisis, the Water Molecule Dance celebrates the weirdness of water and brings people together to recognise its importance in our lives.
One Day We Will Dance with You
One Day We Will Dance with You tells the story of two women creating a dance to celebrate water. They imagine dance moves, and argue about science and whether a celebration can still be sad. As the community around them comes together to dance, they begin to imagine a future where the Water Molecule Dance and the celebration of water becomes a part of all our lives.
Made in collaboration with WATERAGRI research
Inspired by the Water Molecule Dance from Water is Attracted to Water, the film is about human bonds and molecular bonds, at a time when floods and droughts have become part of everyday life. It imagines what it means to create a celebration with a community of people we love, of everything watery, from molecule vibrations to the way water flows through the stem of a plant. At a time when we can no longer avoid facing the climate crisis, the Water Molecule Dance celebrates the weirdness of water and brings people together to recognise its importance in our lives.
Watch now and spread the word! One Day is on general release!
Kate Adams
Alkis Papastathopoulos
Kate Adams
Lead actors
Kate Adams
Alexia Beziki
Petros Goritsas
Alkis Papastathopoulos
Medie Megas
Tom Le Cocq
Special thanks to our film crew, production and post-production teams and to our supporting cast of performers who joined us for the molecule dance and picnic.
Festivals and awards
Best Lab Short: Make Art not Fear, Portugal.
Environment & Climate short award: Kiez Berlin Festival, Germany.
Best Eco Film: Golden Giraffe International Film Festival, France.
Best Eco Work: Masters of Cinema, Italy.
Best Eco Film: Amsterdam Freedom Independent IFF, Holland.
Dancing Story Award: Cinema Verde: International Environmental Film and Arts Festival, USA.
Big Syn International Film Festival, UK.
Sweden Film Awards.
#labmecrazy! Science Film Festival, Spain.
Waterdocs, Resurge: Canadian Film Festivals for a Liveable Climate.
SEFF Smaragni Ecofilm Festival, Croatia.

One Day We Will Dance with You was made in collaboration with WATERAGRI, an EU funded research project trialling sustainable and nature based approaches to using water in agriculture.
This collaboration with WATERAGRI has meant we are able to have an insight into research while it is ongoing. Equally, the WATERAGRI team are excited to share their process and give us a glimpse of what lies ahead.
“WATERAGRI aims to develop and improve sustainable solutions for the use of water in the agricultural industry to help us cope with some of the challenges of climate change. Collaborating with artists is a great way for us to connect to different communities, especially young people, and to build a stronger sense of momentum.”
Professor Miklas Scholz, WATERAGRI
Find out more about their work here.
Learn the Water Molecule Dance
You can learn the dance here and we hope that one day, we really will dance with you!
Choreographer, Medie Megas worked with us to create the dance so that it can be learnt by adults and kids alike. It is fun to do and the movements are inspired by some of the most fascinating behaviours of the water molecule and how water behaves in the world. It really is a celebration of water and we hope the dance can be a great resource for learning through the body, as well as a way to raise awareness publically about the challenges of water and sustainability in the context of climate change.

Still images by Evgenia Bourzoukou