"What really is the story of water?"
Water is Attracted to Water is a celebration of the human relationship with water – an attempt to discover how playfulness and joy can still be part of our lives as we struggle to confront difficult truths.
Water is Attracted to Water combines theatre, a community dance, music, film and participatory events and workshops. In collaboration with scientists and engineers, we explore the science, myths and history of water, and we imagine possible futures. We invite you to join us in the Water Molecule Dance, to share stories and myths, and to reconnect with water, the most important molecule for life on earth.

Water is Attracted to Water is a theatre show about myths, about molecules, about memories. It’s about the stories we tell ourselves and our enduring love for H2O.
One Day We Will Dance with you is a short film about the struggle to celebrate and find hope against the odds. It is a story about a creative process and an invitation to dance.
Listen and download the Water is Attracted to Water EP. Find out more about composer Tom Le Cocq’s approach.
Learn about the amazing characteristics of water molecules and how new research into water and sustainability can transform how we live.
Find out about our creative and educational workshops and how to participate in the Water Molecule Dance.